Today I swam "with" two long-time high school friends, Liz and Erich, who live in California. We all got into our respective pools at the designated time and thought of each other swimming 600 miles away.
During my workout, Gayle surprised me by getting into the water and taking some great underwater photos and video--a few examples are here.
Thanks Gayle for taking the photos and thanks Liz and Erich for swimming "with" me!
The size and shape of China is very similar to the United States.
The population in China is 1.3 billion.
Only about 10% of the land in China is arable.
There are 55 different recognized minority nationalities in China that make up 6% of the population. The majority ethnic group (94%) is Han.
In some areas of China, the people, food, language, and cultural practices are more similar to those in other countries than majority China. The Uighur people, for example, eat lots of lamb, speak Turkish, and have the physical appearance more similar to those in the Middle East.
On October 30th, I began swimming 40 miles in 40 days as a way to mark my 40th birthday on December 4th and to honor the upcoming adoption of our daughter. I called this event "Swimming For My Daughter" because I collected some flat or per mile contributions toward our adoption expenses from any one who wanted to contribute.
During the 40 days I had many wonderful family members and friends that encouraged me and some that even swam with me! Some friends who lived far away swam with me in spirit.
I ended up getting in better swimming shape than I have been in before and met my goal of getting in the water EVERY day. Due to some extra yardage I put in, the grand mileage total was just over 43 miles.
The last workout was a wonderful culmination to the entire 40 days-- a descending set of 40 50's with the last five being on the :40. A large group of regular swimmers and some not so regular swimmers got in the water to join me, while other cheered from the deck. I was able to make all the send offs but I had to work REALLY hard to make the last few. My toes are still cramping as I write this, but the memory of the accomplishment and the support makes me feel so wonderful.
After the final swim, we celebrated with a big party at the pool, complete with a family swim time, trips down the zip-line, a tasty potluck dinner, cake, a heartwarming song (written by my husband!), and awesome company.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, to all of my wonderful family and friends who helped and encouraged me in so many ways--notes, emails, phone calls, conversation, child care, contributions, underwater photos, swimming with me, and celebrating with me. I feel truly blessed.
Thank you to Sebastian who gave more support, encouragement, and understanding toward my goal than I could have ever imagined a five-year-old to do.
My greatest gratitude and thanks goes to by biggest source of support in this swim and in life--my wonderful husband Steve. This journey we are on together gets better with each passing year. I look forward to 40 more!
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